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金山行初中部分——Teaching Design

西南位育中学  薛毅俊

MaterialSide By Side Book I Chapter 3

TopicPresent Continuous Tense

Teaching Objectives

Language Objectives

1.        To be familiar with names for different rooms of a house.

2.        To use contractions of the verb to be to make sentences brief.

3.        To inquire about and give location.

4.  To learn present continuous tense.

Skill and ability objectives

1.        To ask for and report everyday activities with present continuous tense.

2.        To help the students have more oral practice.

3.        To develop students’ listening skills to listen for specific information.

4.        To develop the students’ ability of interactive communicating.

Emotional objectives

1.  To encourage the students to think in English actively through different activities.

2.  To let the students know that a happy family is necessary for one’s growth. In addition, one should also be friendly to others besides his family members.

Important points

1.        Contractions of the verb to be

2.        Sentence patterns: Where’s Walter? He’s in the kitchen.

Difficult points

1.        English names for different rooms of a house.

2.        Present continuous tense.

Teaching methods

1.  Task-based method

2.  Situational Language teaching

3.  Communicative Language teaching

Studying methods

To encourage the students to study language through "Observation—Imitation—Practice " methods.

Teaching aids

Textbooks, Tape recorder, Multimedia

Teaching procedures

I) Warming-up:

1. To sing an English song: Are you sleeping?

2. To read an English chant: Hi! Hello!

II) Pre-task preparation:

1. To learn names for different rooms of a house.

2. To look at the pictures and answer “Where am I? You’re in the ~.”

3. To choose the answer for the questions “Where is she? Where is he? Where are they?”

III) While-task procedure:

1. To learn the description of everyday activities with present continuous tense.

2. To repeat two model dialogues.

3. To fill in the blanks to complete some dialogues.

4. To practice a new dialogue.

5. To do pair work according to the pictures.

IV) Post-task:

1. To describe a picture with present continuous tense in group.

2. To make a dialogue and act out a role play: the Happiest Moment.

V) Assignment:

1. Oral: Bring one of your photos to class & make a dialogue with your partner about it.

2. Written: Choose one picture on p20-21 to write 6 sentences about it.